Pirate Flag Nail Art Tutorial! YARRRR!

Yarrrrr!! As ye might be havin' noticed, I`ve been postin' nail art tutorials fer Jolly rogers o' th' World... thanks t' a fun suggestion (I think she be joking) from Chalkboard Nails, I decided t' do th' real Jolly Roger!

Hope ye enjoy 't! :)

Ok, that's about all the pirate talk I can handle... unless Johnny Depp is involved, savvy?


  1. Lovely! We pirates approve!
    I'm glad to see you are doing tutorials for your awesome creations!

  2. You are so great at nail art! I'm so jealous!

  3. THE flag. Finally the one I'm interested in. Thank you.
    (No offense to the other flags, but they're not interesting without skulls)


Go on, comment... you know you want to. ;-P