Why this Kolaveri Di?

For those of you not aware of this song (probably most of you outside of India), it is the most ADDICTIVE song ever. I can't get it out of my head. It's SUPER popular here in India, and is somewhat of a joke now. 'Why this Kolaveri di?' in Tamil means, 'Why this Murderous Rage, Girl?' Check out this song here. Be warned, it's a SERIOUS earworm. To date, the youTube video of this song has gotten over 27.5 MILLION views. Insane.

Today's nails are my tribute to India, my new home for the next year or so. :) I did the Indian flag!

Some goofy pictures from Christmas Day, just goofin' around. (and our Chinese Christmas dinner, lol)

Black and White and Red All Over

Wow. It's been a while. Sorry about that. Turns out packing up all yer shit, then moving to the other side of the world is a lot of work! :-D I've missed the blog and interacting with all of you!! I'm finally on the other side of the world and starting to adjust to everything (except the fact that the biggest nail polish remover I can find is 30mL). I'll admit, things were difficult at first, and I questioned WTF I got myself into, but then, things got better, and I started to acclimate to my new surroundings. I'll admit, there are times when this country is maddening, but that's everywhere. If you want to read about my India adventures, I've started a new blog, Just Another Day in India....

Anyway. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, on to what you actually came here for. :)

This nail design was inspired by a kurta (shirt) that I wore the other day. I'm definitely loving the Indian attire, though I still maintain a bit of my American style–can't give up my jeans! I love all the patterns of the clothing here, so many colors! This particular kurta is basic colors- black, white, and red! :)

I used white acrylic paint for the design over the black nail polish base. It's the first time using acrylic, and I'm not sure I like the outcome, it didn't seem to 'stick' well, and left jagged edges.

Our typical picture- me with my tongue sticking' out, and Chris giving me a dirty look :)
My friend Sheba and I
I used American Apparel Hassid as a base, with white acrylic paint for the design, and Nicole by OPI Redy to Runaway Love? for the red. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat

In the 'Mod'

Hey there!!  Sorry for the lack of posting, since my visa hasn't been approved yet, I'll try to post a little more until I start the moving process again. Unfortunately right now it's a bit awkward doing my nails, I have no nail table, no kitchen table, and a lot of my polishes and tools are en route to India. OK, enough excuses, on to the nails!!

I was stir-crazy the other day, so I decided to go out in public and walk around the outlet mall. On a whim, I stopped by the American Apparel outlet store, and to my astonishment, they had a ton of new colors!!  I was shocked, I hadn't heard anything about them, and some of them are AMAZING!! (not that the others aren't cool, they're just something similar to what I have already, or something I probably wouldn't wear, i.e. pink) One of the colors I am seriously head over heels for (I bought 2), is Lopez Canyon, an awesome red-orange color that is insanely cool. In addition to its awesome hue, its also quite opaque, which, obviously, is a huge plus in my book. I knew that I wanted to use this color in a nail design, and I had a design I'd sort of been picturing in my head for a while, so i went for it. It didn't turn out like it did in my head, but I don't mind the outcome. I'm always a fan of patterns on the nail, sometimes even more than nail art I've done like the Smurfs, Finding Nemo, or stuff like that.

I used all American Apparel polishes for this design (other than my topcoat). For the base, I used American Apparel California Trooper, for the black, I used American Apparel Hassid, and for the red-orange accents, I used American Apparel Lopez Canyon. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

And, because I find it amusing... cat bed. I am cat-sitting right now, and I found it amusing when I went in the bedroom the other day, and all three cats were on the bed–even the hermit cat that rarely comes out! Don't mind the unmade bed. lol

Hunter is the grey one, Molly is the hermit-cat near the headboard,
and Queequeg is the one standing up, I disturbed her slumber. :-D

Let Me Pick Your Brains...

I love Halloween. I love the dressing up, the candy, the scares, the spooks, the pumpkins, everything. It's always ranked fairly high on my list of awesome holidays. Sadly, this year I was supposed to be out of the country 2 weeks before Halloween, so I didn't think about it that much, and I definitely didn't prepare for it. Little did I know I'd be experiencing so much trouble getting out of the country, and would be in the states to celebrate the holiday of Caspers and cavities. The problem is, I usually start thinking about Halloween sometime around August, I don't do Halloween half-assed. :-D So, in an effort to celebrate the holiday, I painted my nails with Halloween goodness. I chose to do Zombie nails, because who doesn't like zombies? (unless they're being chased by them, of course)  Pardon the small piece out of the middle nail. I managed to break the nail before I got a picture of this manicure! :(

I used OPI Stranger Tides as a base, with American Apparel Raccoon brushed over it on a dry paper towel to dirty it up a bit. When it wasn't completely dry (mostly dry, but still dentable) I used my nails to gouge, scratch, and wrinkle the surface. The holes, dents, and scrapes I created were then filled with a mixture of Zoya Carmen and American Apparel Raccoon, then highlighted with Zoya Carmen on its own. To shade around the wounds, I mixed American Apparel Raccoon with OPI Stranger Tides, and to highlight, I mixed American Apparel California Trooper with OPI Stranger Tides. I topped everything with a coat of Essie Matte About You, then topped the bloody spots with Seche Vite top coat to make it glossy and sticky looking.

Happy Halloween!!! :)

In addition to the nails for today, while I was home visiting my family, my Aunt Roxanne expressed that she'd love for me to paint her nails, and that she really liked the Reverse Rockabilly design. I never really paint other people's nails, but I really like how they turned out. :)

Blog Sale update

I want to write a note letting you guys know that your stuff is coming if you've paid for it, and I'm trying to respond to all the emails, but I'm getting hundreds, and between moving and doing everything I need to do before leaving the country, things aren't getting responded to ask quickly as I'd like. Please be patient with me! :)


Think Different.

A truly sad day for people around the world, myself included. Whether you are a 'Mac' or not, you've no doubt benefited from this man's genius and innovative spirit. (His pushing of technology made others scramble to keep up, therefore furthering your choice of technology)

I think I like what Obama said about his passing best...

"The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented." 

and also, a great comment on from one of my coworkers from Apple, Jason G.....

"Go build a the most awesome heaven ever. Thank you."

Much of my life is affected by something from the brain of Steve Jobs, I've been an Apple devotee for over 12 years now, and I see no sign of that ever changing. The technology that has passed through the doors of Apple is the most innovative, user-friendly, stylish, and enviable technology that I've ever had the pleasure of using, learning about, buying, informing people about, and ultimately, selling. Apple is one of the most amazing companies I've ever worked for, and some of my hours there have been the most entertaining and interesting hours I've had in the past few years. I'm thankful for that, and all that Steve Jobs has done for the world, may he rest in peace.

Everything MUST Go!

OK, not everything, but all the stuff listed in this spreadsheet!

As you know if you've been reading this blog, I'm moving to India. This means that I need to seriously pare down my polish collection, hence, a blog sale!! I'll be adding a few more things at a later date, but you get a few hundred polishes to choose from today. :-D

A few things:

All polishes listed for sale were purchased by me.

Shipping is $2.00 + 50¢ for each additional item for US and Canada. Contact me for international shipping.

Feel free to make offers, I'll happily consider them!

See the blog sale list HERE!

The Daily Nail is Moving!

Yep, not the website, that will stay right here where you sit reading it now. Nope, ME, Melissa, the quirky nerd girl behind the nails.

I really wanted to explain why I've been sort of MIA right now on the blog, and this is why. I'm packing up my entire life and getting the hell outta dodge. This is no ordinary move, I'll be in a time zone and country far different than I'm used to. A country I've never been to, and I'm MOVING there! Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted and eager to start my new adventure (and yes, I TOTALLY plan to keep posting on the blog- the inspiration from where I'm going is going to be AMAZING!!), but I'm overwhelmed, terrified, worried, anxious, and well, scared shitless to go. I'm moving to India!  Yes, you read that right, I'll be moving to the country that is the home of Bollywood, curry, henna, and Ghandi! (not the state between Michigan and Illinois)

I'll be leaving somewhere in the neighborhood of October 20th! I can't wait to share my adventures in my new home with you, and hope for your patience while I get moved and settled! I'll be writing a blog that is specific to my Indian adventures when I get over there, and once I get it up and running, I'll be sure to post the address!!

If I have any readers in Chennai, let me know! I'd love to meet some people with like interests while I'm there!!

My presence will definitely be maintained while I'm there on twitter, Facebook, and the blog, just keep in mind that my AM will most likely be your PM!

Yay!!  I hope you all follow me in my newest life adventure!!

Enter the Dragon!

Hey y'all! For today's design, I started off with a different idea, but when I started the design, it was already way late, so I only got the base color of white done before I HAD to go to bed! At lunch, I managed to snag the new Wet & Wild black glitter polish 'Tangled in my Web,' and decided to check it out, painting one nail over the white. Little did I know, it was going to look AWESOME!! However, it DID keep on reminding me of dragon fruit, so I decided to add another layer of the glitter, and then added the fuchsia tip for the peel of the dragon fruit! It ended up being a very simple manicure, but I like it! :)

I used American Apparel Cotton for the base, with 2 layers of Wet & Wild Tangled in my Web over it. For the tip, I used China Glaze Heli-Yum with OPI Houston We Have a Purple over it, then mixed with Zoya Anja for the darker fuchsia. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat

Retro Geometric Smoke

So I have to admit, I created this nail design for Cosmoprof, and I hate that I'm just now posting it, but there were other designs that I was more excited to post the day I did them! This manicure was done at 11 PM when I was sick and had a fever, I wouldn't have done them had it not been Cosmoprof, but I hardly felt like a nail blogger if I hadn't. For this manicure I used 2 of the colors from the Zoya Smoke collection, too! This design was inspired by a rug pattern! :)

I used Zoya Codie as a base, with Zoya Dree for the green shapes, then I mixed Zoya Dree with American Apparel Cotton for the lighter green. For the Orange Shapes, I used butter LONDON Minger for the lighter orange, and Finger Paints Cordur-Orange for the darker orange. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche vote top coat.

Urban Stripery

The other night (which was the rotten cherry on top of a hellish day), I felt a need to 'reward' myself for not killing anyone, so I headed to LUSH to check things out. I went there originally with the intent of checking out the Shark Fin soap they're advertising, but they didn't have it at the store I went to, luckily for me (and unfortunately for my wallet) they DID have an Each Peach massage bar, Turkish Delight body smoothie, and the King of Skin body butter, all of which smell amazing. As I was walking back to my car through the shops at Mandalay bay, I decided to stop at Urban Outfitters, I mean, what the heck, they usually have SOMETHING on sale. Little did I know, they changed their nail polish! They have a few new (and REALLY awesome!) colors! They had a fun lavender/pink with holo glitter, some other colors, and then two that I bought, which are called Dust (a glitter that reminds me of Deborah Lippman Today Was a Fairytale, though I've never seen that one in person), and Barstool, which is an amazing powdery slate blue jelly. I'll be posting swatches, etc. soon! :)

I tell you all this because I actually used Barstool in today's manicure. I also used 3 of the colors from the Fall Essie collection that I bought the other day. :) When I sat down to do this manicure, I had a semi-basic idea of what I wanted to do, but I really let whatever came to mind happen when I got to each nail, which is why each one is a different shape. :) I really like how this mani turned out, it brings to mind fall, which I would LOVE to come here to Las Vegas. :)

As an added bonus, you get a picture of my manicure helper, Homer. :) (he's not very helpful, but he's super cute. :))

and also a picture of the badass new ring I bought - it arrived in the mail today!  I <3 it!!

Cosmoprof 2011 - China Glaze Preview!

If you're like me, you're super eager to check out the upcoming China Glaze collections, right?

Check 'em out at The Daily Nail: Reviews!

Cult Nails Hypnotic Collection

Curious about Cult Nails Hypnotic collection?

Check them out on the The Daily Nail: Reviews!

Cosmoprof 2011 - CND Shellac

Curious how Shellac fared with the horrific stress I put on my nails?

Check out the results at The Daily Nail: Reviews!

Reverse Rockabilly

Have you ever had one of those ideas that you have to do, even though you have almost no time, and in that time, you should probably be doing something else?  I had one of those today. It, in a way, is kind of a throwback to one of my designs I did for Cosmoprof 2010 (yes, last year's Cosmoprof!) The design was called Between a Rockabilly and a Hard Place, and it was a leopard print nail with a red moon. Today, for some reason, it struck me to try the reverse of that design. In my mind, it was something that was a tad more subtle than the full-on leopard print, perhaps even a tad more office-friendly?  In any event, it was awesome in my head, and pretty much the only way I'll wear red. I have to admit, I love it. I keep looking at my hands. lol  I hope you like it too!! I also got to use Zoya Carmen, which I got to try at Cosmoprof this year! It's a really great true red. Very fiery and retro.

I used Zoya Carmen as a base, with American Apparel California Trooper for the moon. For the leopard pattern, I used OPI San Tan-tonio for the tan blobs, and American Apparel Raccoon for the darker brown. Topped everything off with Nubar Diamont top coat,  which I was given as a free gift with purchase at IBS 2011.

Are you ever so excited to try a nail design that you drop everything and do it?

Cosmoprof 2011 Preview! OPI MUPPETS!!

So you wanna see the awesome upcoming Muppets collection a little closer up? (read: REAL PICTURES?!)

Check it out on The Daily Nail: Reviews!

Retro Freestyle

Sorry everyone, I know it’s been a while. Life has gotten particularly crazy lately. Lots of exciting things afoot, but also enough stress to kill an elephant. In any event, I’ve been neglecting you guys, and for that, I apologize! :)

The day that I received the Finger Paints fall Fashionista collection, I dug in and immediately fell in love with the two colors that I used for this manicure! I knew that I wanted to use them together, and I love the retro vibe they have, so I honestly just started painting without really having any specific design in mind. This is what I came up with! I liked it a lot, and hope you do too! :) It’s a fairly simple, but I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing. :)

I used butter LONDON Minger for the base on the thumb and ring finger, and Finger Paints Catwalk Queen for the yellow nails. For the designs on the orange nails, I used Finger Paints Cordur-Orange, and for the designs on the yellow nails, I used Barielle Aura Angora. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Do you ever start painting your nails without having a set design?

Blast from the Past: La La La La La La La La La La La ....

In honor of 'The Smurfs' movie coming out today, I though this blast from the past would be appropriate! :-D

Try getting THAT out of your head!! *muahahahahahaha* Ok, anybody who's ANYBODY knows who the Smurfs are, and how...Smurfy they are. :-D I remember many a Saturday morning growing up waking up and watching the Smurfs on tv, since I grew up in the boonies, we didn't have cable, *GASP* (yes, that's for REAL. My parents STILL don't have cable) so Saturday mornings were the only time that cartoons were on TV, so we definitely made the most of them, most likely eating S'mores cereal, maybe Count Chocula, or perhaps my dad's amazingtastical fried eggs. (I am 29, and I STILL can't make fried eggs as well as he can.) Ahhh, the memories....

Can I also mention that two of my friends (and readers) got married today!! Congratulations Len & Sarah! I wish you both all the happiness in the world!!

And now, on to the nails! I did Papa Smurf on my thumb, Painter Smurf on my index finger, Smurfette on my middle finger, Vanity on my ring finger, and Brainy Smurf on my pinky. :)

I used Zoya Yummy as a base, with Sally Hansen Professional Lavender Cloud for the hats and eyes, Eyeko Saucy Polish for Naughty Nails for the tongues (when you see 'em, the stem and spots of the mushroom, and Papa Smurf's hat. For Smurfette's hair, I used American Apparel Manila, which I also used for the center of the flower on Vanity Smurf's hat. For the top of the mushroom, I used butter LONDON Minger, which I also used for the paint splatter on Painter Smurf's hat. For his paintbrush, I used American Apparel California Trooper as a base, with a mixture of Color Club Best Dressed List and American Apparel Manila. For Vanity's flower, I used Color Club Ms. Socialite, then I used a combination (not mixed, just whatever I picked up on my brush) of Pure Ice Wild Thing, L.A. Girl Army Green, and Zoya Shawn, and as always, I used American Apparel Hassid to outline everything.

I have to say, I think this manicure is pretty smurfy. the only nail I'm not loving on my left hand is Smurfette, she was the first one I drew before changing my technique, and she looks a tad wonky. Ah well.

Sorry, no Gargamel this time, perhaps when the Smurfs movie comes out next summer. :-D

I've Gone Public.

Public restrooms, that is. I honestly have no idea what spurred the idea for this nail design. I was driving home from work one night thinking (it's my best thinking time), and it hit me. I thought it'd be a fun, EASY, quick nail design that would be easily recognizable. :-D The irony? I detest public restrooms, seriously, I'd rather hold it 'til my eyeballs are floating than use a public bathroom. I'm not sure whether it is the fact that someone might *gasp* hear me, or germs, or whatever. Might be a combination of all things, I just don't like them. *shudder* Anyway...after that TMI moment, here you are... my bathroom nails. (Don't worry, I washed my hands)

Sorry for the grotesque cuticle injury - been stuffing DVDs into cardboard envelopes for hours (800 DVDs so far).

I used ALDO Sea You in Ibiza as a base, with Sally Hansen Lavender Cloud for the white symbols. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat for shine.

What a Wallet

I've had this wallet for ages. I picked it up at Forever 21 at some point, buying it because I loved the retro look of the pattern. It's one of those hinged wallets that clasp shut. I never really use it anymore, but I was going through my stuff recently (I need to pare my belongings down) and came across it.

I used American Apparel Cotton as a base, with Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme for the oval, butter LONDON Minger for the orange, Barielle Aura Angora for the yellowy mustard color, American Apparel Pinto for the burnt red, American Apparel Cocoa for the taupe color, then American Apparel Raccoon for the darker brown. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

It All Ends 7/15.

I’m totally writing this blog post in the theater waiting for the Harry Potter movie to start. I’m sitting on the stairs next to the wall because my laptop is too low on battery otherwise. As you might have surmised from other posts and if you follow me on Twitter, I am a 100%, bonafide, Harry Potter dork. No, I don’t dress up for the midnight showing, and some might argue that negates any credibility that I had as a Harry Potter enthusiast, but I tend to disagree. I wear my robes on the inside, and my insides are hearty shades of crimson and gold. I’m SO excited for this final chapter in the Harry Potter series, but it is, as is it for many of you, bittersweet. I think, as disturbed and sad as it may sound, that I’ll feel a little hollow (no, not Hallow), as I did after I finished the last page of the final book. A twinge of sadness, knowing that there won’t be anymore to read or watch of the adventures of our dear Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron. I’m SO looking forward to Molly Weasley screaming the line we’ll not shortly forget, departing from her usually jovial, friendly self to take her revenge on Bellatrix. (If you’ve read the books, you know what I’m talking about) It’s going to be amazing stuff.

For today’s nails, I knew that I had to do something to say goodbye to the series, since this is the last midnight showing that we’ll get to partake in for our beloved Harry Potter movies. I wanted to do something that I haven’t seen someone else do, something that I myself haven’t done either. I settled upon the amazing poster design for this 8th and final installment, with Harry and Voldemort head to head, with only the elder wand to separate them. I also did the Deathly Hallows symbol on the pinky, as well as the HP of the Harry Potter logo on the thumb. I photographed them, then splattered red polish on the ring and thumb to simulate the blood that was splattered on the series of posters, then photographed them again. :)

After the movie edit: Holy crap. That movie was incredible. 

I used CND Oilslick as a base, with China Glaze Millennium for the silver in the HP and the Deathly Hallows. For Voldemort, I used American Apparel Cotton, Nicole by OPI My Lifesaver, and A Beautiful Life Poison. For Harry, I used American Apparel Cotton, CND Oilslick, Zoya Helen, A Beautiful Life Poison, and American Apparel Raccoon (for hair). For the background on the Harry, Voldemort and Wand nails, I used Nicole By OPI My Lifesaver in different opacities, as well as American Apparel Cotton. For the Wand, I used American Apparel Raccoon, the CND Oilslick and American Apparel Cotton for the hands at the base of the wand. For the blood splatters, I used A Beautiful Life Poison. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche vite top coat.


China Glaze Metro (PREVIEW)


China Glaze Introduces 12 New Purely Pigmented Crèmes, High Coverage Glitters and Intense Shine Shimmers for Fall 2011

Los Angeles, CA – (April 2011):  City living boasts excitement, a cool, edginess and confidence that oozes from fashion forward women like none other.   City loving celebs like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Ivanka Trump, Rosario Dawson and Jaime King have style to spare and their fashion sense trickles down to everyone from working women to college kids. This Fall, China Glaze has captured the big city feel in 12 sexy, sophisticated shades that are on trend, exciting and will be on every fashion maven’s “must have” list.  Whether you prefer downtown funk or uptown class, China Glaze’s METRO collection pulls together ensembles and will undoubtedly make heads turn!  Colors in this collection include:

Skyscraper: A sparkling, glitter blue reminiscent of the sky over the city.

CG in the City: Glittering dusty purple, bronze and silver multi-tonal glitter, perfect for a pop of edge from West side to East side.

Urban-Night: Exactly what you need for a night on the town – rich purple crème.

Traffic Jam: Stop traffic with a breathtaking, raspberry pink crème.

City Siren: The perfect deep, red crème to match any outfit. 

Loft-y Ambitions: Burgundy shimmer and cocktail hour – nothing better.

Brownstone: Burnt terracotta crème mirrors the quaint townhouses of the city.

Midtown Magic: Burgundy base with flecks of gold shimmer captures the latest fashion trend.

Street Chic: This gorgeous beige crème is the perfect go to shade letting your clothes do the talking.

Concrete Catwalk: Steel grey crème is amazing for a chic mani.

Westside Warrior: For the trendsetting woman this camo green crème is to die for.

Trendsetter: Mustard yellow shimmer translates beautifully from hot dogs to nails.

Fall in the City is a magnificent time and China Glaze has interpreted the hues of the urban jungle into their limited edition METRO collection.   Escape your everyday and indulge in the city life!

The China Glaze METRO collection will be available in a “Downtown” 6 piece box collection (includes Skyscraper, Concrete Catwalk, Westside Warrior, Trendsetter, Loft-y Ambitions and Midtown Magic), an “Uptown” 6 piece box collection (includes CG in the City, Urban-Night, Traffic Jam, City Siren and Street Chic and Brownstone), a brand new, amazing 3D 12 piece counter display, a 36 piece rack display, and as open stock colors.

China Glaze is free of DBP, toluene, and added formaldehyde.

China Glaze nail lacquers are available through salons and professional beauty supply stores nationwide. For more information, visit: www.chinaglaze.com or follow China Glaze on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ChinaGlaze

China Glaze is a division of American International Industries.

About American International Industries
For nearly 40 years, AII has been the leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of innovative, quality beauty and skin care products for men and women.  Our product lines include Ardell, Andrea, Body Drench, Bye Bye Blemish, Checi, China Glaze, Clean + Easy, Clubman/Pinaud, Duo, European Secrets, EzFlow, Fright Night, Gena, GiGi, Gypsy Lash, IBD, Jeris-Lustray, No Tweeze/Micro Tweeze, 'N Rage, Prolinc, RAW, Seche, SuperNail, Surgi-Care, Waterworks,  Winning Nails, Woltra, Woody’s, and Youthair. For more information, visit our website: www.aiibeauty.com.


I'll admit it, I have a lot of nail polish. A lot. Are there colors that look similar? Yes. Are there colors that look different? Of course. Do I need all of them? Probably not. Regardless of need, I keep hoarding them, and adding more and more to the collection. The other day, I was going through the collection- organizing/putting away, and an idea struck me. I wanted to do a color study, like old times——like in college. So I gathered my colors up for each nail (I did each nail one at a time - I only have so much room on my nail table for polish), and set to work. I wanted to see what the mish-mash of colors of the same family (albeit in different finishes, hues, tints, etc.) would look like. Well, it's interesting. Not quite what I envisioned, but it's different...and sort of looks like rainbow camouflage, which I'm guessing there isn't a huge market for, seeing as it would have the entirely opposite effect of what one desires when donning camouflage attire. Anyway. This manicure was done using a total of 61 different colors, 62 if you count the Seche Vite. ;)

I used:

American Apparel Cotton as a base, with...

Thumb: Reds

American Apparel Berry, A Beautiful Life Poison, Barielle Elle's Spell, China Glaze High Maintenance, China Glaze Ruby Pumps, China Glaze TMI, Claire's Stilettos, Essie Blood Curdling, Nicole by OPI OMB!, Nicole by OPI Redy to Runaway Love, Zoya Kimmy, and Zoya Reva.

Index: Oranges

American Apparel Pinta, butter LONDON Minger, China Glaze Ginger, China Glaze Japanese Koi, China Glaze Papaya Punch, China Glaze Peachy Keen, CND Electric Orange, Color Club Wham! Pow!, Lotus Herbals Orange Alert 82, OPI Extra-va-vaganza!, Zoya Lianne, Zoya Rica, and Zoya Tanzy.

Middle: Yellows

American Apparel Manila, Barielle Aura Angora, China Glaze Classic Camel, China Glaze Cleopatra, China Glaze Happy Go Lucky, China Glaze Lighthouse, Essie Funky Limelight, Nubar Hot Yellow, Orly Luxe, RBL Square Pants, Sally Hansen Expres-So Yellow, and Zoya Pippa.

Ring: Greens

American Apparel MacArthur Park, American Apparel Malibu Green, American Apparel Neon Green, China Glaze L8R G8R, China Glaze Starboard, CND Green Scene, Frida Nails Grass Green jelly, Nubar Reclaim, RBL No More War, Zoya Ivanka, Zoya Shawn, and Zoya Envy.

Pinky: Blues

American Apparel Cameo Blue, China Glaze 2NITE, CND Anchor Blue, Lotus Herbals Ocean Love, Nicole by OPI Me + Blue, OPI Absolutely Alice, ULTA Moody Blues, Zoya Crystal, Zoya Breezi, Zoya Kotori, and Zoya Tallulah.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat. :)

Zoya Smoke & Mirrors GIVEAWAY! 6 WINNERS!

Zoya Nail polish is sponsoring a giveaway to 
6 lucky readers of 'The Daily Nail!'

Check out the contest here!

Contest deadline is Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST

Well, I Declare!

Happy Fourth of July to my US readers!

I love doing holiday themed nails, so I knew that I was going to do a design for today. I wanted to do something different than the stars and stripes, so I did my interpretation of the Declaration of Independence! Did you know that

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

has been called 'one of the best-known sentences in the English language"?

I've always been a history nerd. Yes, I was that kid (the only one) in the biography section of the library checking out historical biographies, presidential biographies, etc. for fun rather than for homework. Though my favorite president to read about then (and now) was Abraham Lincoln, I still loved burying my nose in an ancient hardcover about Washington, Jefferson, pretty much name it. Fascinating stuff, really.

Anyway, to the nails. I sponged them to look like aged parchment, then painted certain recognizable words on each hand.

I used: American Apparel California Trooper as a base, then sponged China Glaze Classic Camel in spots, then sponged a mixture of China Glaze Classic Camel and American Apparel California Trooper over that, then sponged a little bit of CND Blackjack over that and on the tip edges.

And as a bonus, a picture of my guilty boyfriend. He attempted to make me watch Star Wars by turning it on the TV when I was getting ready, so when I came back out, I was half-watching it while I was putting on my shoes, that is, until I saw R2-D2 and realized what was on, and stopped watching it. To explain this, I am 30 years old and have never watched any of the Star Wars movies, and I intend to keep it that way. :)

Who me?!  Never. I had no idea that there was a Star Wars marathon on TV!

Have a happy and SAFE Fourth of July everyone!!  Keep all your fingers!