British Flag Nail Art Tutorial!

So, because I get requests for flags quite a bit, I decided what better time to do flag tutorials than for the OLYMPICS?! First flag tutorial—the British flag! I mean, the Olympics are in London this year...
In the comments below, post what flags you'd like to have tutorials for, and I'll do my best to make them! :)


  1. They look ace. I've never thought to do white as the basecoat and just draw the red/blue on, I always do it on a blue base. D'oh. I am going to give you way a try next time. Ace tutorial, thanks. x

  2. Could you do a Canadian flag? I tried, and failed with the friggin maple leaf. It's so difficult.

    1. It's like you're reading my mind... I read this comment right after I completed filming the Canadian flah tutorial! It'll be up within 24 hrs! :) (I was born and raised in MI, so I'm damn near Canadian.. right?)

  3. What do you clean your brush in????

  4. you mentioned people forget to do the lines in the quadrant? If it is just the St. Andrews cross on a white background thenit is the flag of England as opposed to the United Kingdom flag which is red white and blue

    1. Nope- I know the UK flag is different than the white and red flag of England, I mean when they are actually painting the Union Jack and don't paint the red diagonals! I've seen a few manicures that do the white diagonal, but no red. :-P

  5. please do Jamaica!!


Go on, comment... you know you want to. ;-P