Fine Vines

WOO!! Day four of fabric inspired goodness. If y'all are getting bored, I apologize, just a few more left? :-D I love this fabric, I actually used it to make the first version of my latest iPhone case design (trying to perfect it), and I use that case every day, so today, my nails matched my case! :)

The fabric inspiration:

The nails

I used American Apparel Hassid as a base, with American Apparel Cotton to paint the flowers, leaves, and vines. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

It's almost Friday!! ---->Hooray! (Despicable Me comes out tomorrow!!)


  1. You know what's crazy? I have this fabric and I made a jewelry board with it :)

    The nails look amazing as always. I like fabric week :)

  2. I love fabric week!!

  3. Beautiful! Your hands must be as steady as a rock to capture the intricate details of each flower! BRAVO!

  4. these are awwwwwwwwwwwwesome!
    I love all your nail designs, I check back everyday and very rarely do I comment:( I hover lol
    Keep up the GREAT work

  5. I'm loving the fabric inspirations! This one reminds me of a skirt I don't think I have anymore.

  6. I'm finding really cool and I love your posts this week!

  7. So pretty! I wonder how u do such a steady pretty design on both hands! U must be ambidextrious! (I know I totally didn't spell that right :)LOL! I would love to see u paint the little yellow minions from despicable me on ur nails that would be awesome!

  8. whoops my comment postes twice by accident!


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