Screw Silver Linings... I Want Hot Pink.

Day 99

or Orange, or Yellow, Green, Turquoise.... you get the idea.

:-P As some of you readers know, the west coast is getting blasted with some rain, storms, even tornadoes!!! (I feel like I'm in Michigan again!!) Here in Las Vegas, it's been doom and gloom for a few days now, and is showing no signs of letting up. One of the main roads on my way home last night was even flooded. Also, unlike the midwest, north, northeast, east, or south (virtually everywhere but here), drivers here don't experience rain often, and therefore, have NO IDEA HOW TO DRIVE IN IT. (most don't have any idea how to drive when it's dry either though, so it's a moot point, tbh.) Anyway...since it's been gloomy lately, I wanted to show the gloom, but show the bright side poking out, so I did matte black nails with super bright tips.

I used OPI for Sephora What's a Tire Jack? Matte as a base, with OPI La-Pazitively Hot Matte for the thumb, Pumped-Up Pumpkin for the index finger, even though it totally looks red, Zoya Pippa for the middle finger, OPI Gargantuan Green Grape Matte with OPI Green-wich Village over top of it for the ring finger, and Zoya Yummy for the pinky. Topped all TIPS off with a coat of Seche Vite top coat, but left the main portion of the nail matte.

These nails remind me of something, and I can't seem to put my finger (no pun intended) on it.

Help!! Do they remind you of anything? It's seriously bugging me. lol


  1. They remind me of a pack of highlighters. I love the color combo on the tips!

  2. highlighters! great through Missy! that and 80's spandex leggings ;)
    they look awesome girl! will totally try the bright tips once my nails grow out a bit more :)

  3. oops. i meant 'great thought'...been a long day.

  4. I literally looked from my screen to my pen 'cup' back to my screen and laughed. I have a 5 pack of highlighters that are the EXACT colors and have black bodies, so only the caps are the color. I had to comment after I made that connection.

  5. 1) I agree with the highlighter comments. Your nails also remind me of someone wearing leggings and bright shoes, 80s style. idk why...haha.
    2) As a native of Seattle, I'd also like to point out that the northwesterners know how to drive in the rain. :) Aren't we

  6. thanks guys! :)

    lol, Kasey, I meant to type northwest, not northeast!! lol

  7. I LOVE those nails! May I perhaps try something similar?

  8. I agree with what people are saying, definatly highlighters. Love how bright the tips are and how the contrcat with teh drakness of the rest of the nail!

  9. if you're on the Facebook fan page- I'd love to see a pic!! :)

  10. they remind me of old amiga games, I don't know why =)

  11. They remind me of drawing on a blackboard with colourful chalk!

  12. first thing I thought of was crayons for some reason... but I agree that highlighters make sense..

  13. these are awesome! i love them!

  14. They remind me of Colorforms...remember those? Anyone?

  15. im really beginning to love that matte black.
    Congrats BTW on 1000 readers! thats bananas! ( a result of all that effort you put in!

  16. First thing I thought of was Lite-Brite. I think it's partly because the matte finish on the black reminds me of the black paper.

  17. colorforms - used to love those - little bright colored vinly cut-outs you made pics with on a black background right?

  18. They look like the scratch art things, where you scratch away the black and there's rainbow colors underneath!

  19. Yup, I agree with the scratch art! We made our own though, at camp, with colored crayons scribbled on paper, then covered with black crayon, then scratched! I understand the Lite-Brite comparison, too. I still want one of those...

  20. Yes, scratch art! We made our own in my elementary school days back in the dark ages. Love your designs! Congrats on 1,000.

  21. The highlighter and the colorforms I can see, but for some reason I am reminded of bridge mix candy, that neon and black licorice candy that held such visual promise as a sweet treat but for me was such a letdown because of the taste. That said, I do have a fondness for candy coated fennel seeds; I suppose it's a matter of intensity.

  22. That said, have you done a bridge mix set yet? Perfect for card night!

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