Let's Draw (with) Straws!

Day 89

Hey everyone! Today's nails are to show that you can find inspiration and tools everywhere around you- even at your local fast food restaurant or in your drawers! I decided to try using everyday drinking straws to create patterns on my nails, so here you go!

I used American Apparel Passport Blue as a base, with China Glaze TMI, China Glaze L8R G8R, and China Glaze DV8 'stamped' on with straws. :) I think it gives an interesting effect, not always circles, sometimes lopsided circles, etc, but I like it!! :) I topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Also, try to find the hidden face, I noticed it after I took the picture! :-P


  1. Neato! I love your colour combinations! Is the face on your ring finger?
    That's what I see, with a lock of red hair on the forehead.
    I'll bet you're gonna get some interesting guesses on that, mine included!

  2. Ooh, I really like this! And is the face on your middle finger? The blue in the middle of the finger looks kind of like a skull to me.

  3. Yup, I see it on the middle finger, too. Evil alien looking thing (skull works, too!). haha. I love your use of straws!! Very creative.

  4. AHH! I love this! I didn't even see the face until someone else pointed it out on your middle finger, but I see it now, lol.

  5. That is the BEST idea for nail art, I'm definitely giving it a try!

  6. You did this with straws? That's pretty cool. Love the colour combination!

  7. Oh, I think I see the middle finger face now, too!

  8. Great idea! I will have to try this.

  9. Middle finger and that is soooo cool!

  10. That is a awesome idea. I will have to try this out.


  11. GAAH! The face is kind of creepy. Half skull--half alien. I'm officially afraid of your nails (but also love love love your blog. This is just wonderful!) I think I learned the most from the marbling posts.

  12. HA! Had nobody said anything about the alien I might not have noticed, but I can definitely see it and he's actually very cute. I really like all of these colors blended together. The pattern is pop art at it's best.

  13. Wow you really can find a blog about anything on the internet can't you? Amazing! I really am impressed with all the designs you are able to come up with AND execute. My you never run out of polish. (That could be like a metaphor as well as a literal hope)

  14. I liked the posts and cool layout you have here! I would like to thank you for sharing your experience and the time it took to post!! Two Thumbs up!

    natural minerals


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