HELL YES! 1000 Followers, Kiddies!!

You know what that means? ANOTHER GIVEAWAYYYYYY!!!!

I want to thank all of you kick-ass people that read this crazy blog of mine, and send your fabulous ideas, and leave your comments that truly brighten my day (more than you know!), you people officially rock.

So, in thanks, it's time for a giveaway!!

Prizes may change in the next few days (but only to get bigger and better!!)

Prize #1:

Essie Mint Candy Apple
American Apparel Peacock
Essie Plumski
OPI Avojuice 1 oz. Berry Merry Rose Juicie
2 Essie Naturally Clean Vitamin-Enriched Manicure Revitalizer tablets (which smell amazing)

UPDATE: ADDED to Prize #1:

Jennifer of the Konaddict blog was so generous and donated the Konad F Set to the prize pot!! How awesome is that?!?!! Make sure you check out her fun blog- she does the most awesome Konadicures- and explains how she did them!! http://Konaddict.blogspot.com. Make sure to enter HER contest too, she is giving away a Konad Ruby Kit!!! Hurry over, her contest ends February 14!

Prize #2:

Essie Big Bag Theory
Piggy Polish Peep Toes
Ulta LE Noel
OPI Avojuice 1 oz. Caramel Cream Juicie
2 Essie Naturally Clean Vitamin-Enriched Manicure Revitalizer tablets

Prize #3:

Essie Wrapped in Rubies
Ulta LE Noel
OPI Avojuice 1 oz. Berry Merry Rose Juicie
2 Essie Naturally Clean Vitamin-Enriched Manicure Revitalizer tablets

Thank you Ulta for having sales, so I could get cool stuff! :-P


To enter this contest, all you have to do is select your favorite Daily Nail Manicure, and recreate it! (with or without your own twist) This is NOT based on skill, I just want to see everyone's interpretations, since I get so many awesome emails that I'm inspiring you to do new ideas!! Every entry I receive will be eligible for the drawing, in which the winners will be selected at random from all the submissions received.

This is your time to shine, and I'll post the winners recreations when the contest is over... and I may periodically post some as I get them!! :)

Email submissions to: thedailynailcontest@gmail.com by midnight Pacific Time January 29, 2010!

Please make sure your photo is 500x375 pixels. thanks! :)

I'm so excited to see your entries!!!

I'll allow multiple entries for this one, up to 5.

Get painting!!! :)


  1. You wrote 'Hell' and referred the sentence to 'Kiddies'. Nice.

  2. You earned each and every one!! Congrats! :)

  3. Anyone that is going to dedicate themselves to not only a new manicure, but a fancy, creative, out of the ordinary, artfully amazing many EVERY SINGLE DAY..deserves a bazillion followers. Go girl, Go!

  4. congratulations...you NAILED it!! (sorry I couldn't resist).

  5. Call me when you get 1000 disciples. Or at least 1000 minions. Or lackeys.

    Amazed! But then again you are awesome, and I love your blog!

  7. Congratulations! I love checking in daily to see what treats you have in store for us on your fingertips!

  8. Please let me know what I can donate....love your work. I just started selling konad, would love to send something your way!

    contact my email @
    or jennifer@konaddict.com

  9. Congrats! Your designs are so much fun to look at. I don't know how you come up with so many cute ideas. I don't think I could come remotely close to pulling that off! lol I look forward to your posts. :)

  10. Congrats, you deserve it. I am constantly amazed by your creativity..... :-)

  11. I would like to apply for the giveaway. Thank you, keep it all coming :-)

  12. Congrats on 1000 collowers girl! Thats amazing. Great prizes too :)

  13. Wow congrats!! XX can't wait for the giveaway!

  14. Of course you'd hit 1000! And it keeps climbing. I gotta say, I visit a bunch of random nail blogs but yours is the only one I visited on a daily basis. Keep up the good work chica :)

  15. I send this blog to all my nail fanatic friends...you deserve the attention because it's AWESOME!

  16. Wooooo-Hoooooo! I wouldn't miss a day!
    Yikes-what will we do when the 365 days are over?
    Beg you to stay, that's what! (or sign up for your next blog adventure!)
    Yay! I sincerely hope you are having as much fun as we are!!

  17. Congratulations! Your talent keeps'em coming! :)

  18. your blog is aammmaazinnngg!!

  19. Congrats :)
    I love coming on here every day just to see what you have done for that day.

  20. I assume there will be some awesome nails coming up to mark the occasion?

    Love how you come up with so many ideas, some of which don't seem impossible to do so I will attempt them at some later point.

    Keep up the awesome work!

  21. finally realized i checked your blog everyday but wasn't following. lol i LOVE that you freehand draw so many of your designs. i've been doing that for awhile, but they never look as amazing as yours! lots of <3

  22. You're all pretty dumb.

  23. Sooner or later, you'll hit another 1000. Way to good!

  24. I'm not even a member of blogspot and I read your blog everday! So I'm sure you have waaaay more than 1000 followers! Keep up the beautiful work! I don't know what I am going to do after the 350 days are over. Maybe you could just continue to blog the creative stuff you do? I'm sure you probably won't want to do your nails everyday by then!

  25. Y'all are awesome!!!!! Thank you so much for all the sweet comments!!

  26. does it have to be fingernails or can it also be toes?

  27. Congrats!!! I'm totally entering...mostly because I already have at least 4 designs inspired by you LOL. laaaazy.

  28. "Anonymous said...
    You're all pretty dumb.
    January 21, 2010 3:58 PM"

    Who the F*** are you to say that we are all dumb? Get a life and if you don't like it, go the hell away, dumbass.

    Congrats on the 1000, lol. :D

  29. Congrats! You are amazing and don't let the closed minded, narrow sighted twits get your down! they are just jealous that they cant do what you can. *Serious, Ass and the stupid Anonymous: You think you can do better? Try it, I dare you. :P*
    Keep up the awesome work.

  30. I'm only doing my first Konad this weekend, so I don't konw that I'd be able to re-create any of your designs...but I want to. The water marbling...at some point, I've GOT to try that one!!

  31. Li-Ann- try!! I bet you'd do better than you think- and remember its not a contest of skill, just rewarding the effort! :)

    Meg- THANKS!! (and BTW, Ass is my friend Patrick, he's really a nice guy, just a sarcastic bastard. ;)) However, Anonymous is free to leave.

    Niki- you'd better- Ive seen yours!!

    Jennifer Ramirez- thanks!!! :-P I love how you guys always have my back and get rid of the a-holes before I read their comments lol

  32. BTW, the question was posed of whether you can do toes instead? I will accept toes! :-P

  33. This work has to be on our own nails, correct? Or can it be our art on a fellow nail art fanatic? ;)

  34. it can be your nails, or anyone's nails that you paint! :)

  35. Ooh fun. The problem with being able to enter more than once is that my nails actually last now (thanks to your fabulous Seche Vite advice). Once I do them, I don't want to redo them :P.


Go on, comment... you know you want to. ;-P