Feeling Boxed In?

How was your Labor Day weekend? Mine was only 2 days, but I managed to get a lot done. I swatched a collection of polishes, watched all eight Harry Potter movies, crocheted about 2/3 of a sweater, and started a new book. Unfortunately, that stuff took up most of my weekend, so there has (obviously) been no post since Friday! But don't fret, my pets– there's a post today!! :D

I love optical illusions, tessellations, and all things nerd-arty. This simple optical illusion/tessellation was inspired by the fabric of a dress I saw on Pinterest. (Pinterest is the devil, but a great source of inspiration- nail art or otherwise!)

My apologies for the less-than-stellar photos, something is acting weird on my camera, and my in-house camera guru (Chris) can't look at it until after work. If I can, I'll post better pictures later. :)

I used:

Tan: Essie Brooch the Subject
Coral: Lotus Herbals Orange Alert (Indian brand)
Grey: Nubar Stronghold

Topcoat: Seche Vite topcoat
Basecoat: Seche Vite basecoat


  1. Wow, such an awesome design! Inception hahaha

  2. This is outstanding! Such perfect lines!

  3. I did the same design for Polish Days (Geometry)! You should add yours to the PolishGeometry inLinkz :)

  4. Okay, these are too cool. Been dying to try these out for a while now, but alas, the patience within is not willing !

    1. I'd love to see a tutorial for this by the way.. hint hint.. ;)

    2. Me too!

  5. Hoooooleeeeeeeee shiz, that's amazing!

  6. Quite Escheresque! Whee!

  7. love it - like to see it in other colour combos :-)

  8. :) love this, it reminded me of a mission church about ten minutes away from my house... linkage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:San_Xavier_mission_20090125-8.jpg see?

    1. Oh, wow- amazing church!
      And even the colors of the designs are similar- so cool!

  9. It's amazing to me that you can do a design like this on both hands!


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