A 'Bone to Pick

Herringbone that is. Today's nail art is my interpretation of a herringbone pattern. I actually even frankened the base polish myself- it matches the wall pant of someone I know perfectly! I loved the color so much on the wall (I picked it out, natch) that I had to create a nail polish for my very own. :) I used a mixture of equal parts American Apparel Manila, American Apparel California, and a few drops of L.A. Girl Army Green.

It matched my shirt (unintentionally):

I used my franked polish, which I'm still undecided on calling, with MAC In the Buff to paint the lines to make the pattern. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

About the job:

I am now working for a real estate marketing company as a graphic designer! :) First day went great, other than freezing. Everyone seems really nice so far, too! :)


  1. Congrats on the new job! Always pack a sweater or two.

  2. Way to go on the new job, look forward to tomorrows nails!

  3. Ah, I love it! As much as I love the herringbone pattern. And it's so pretty color-wise, too
    Congrats on getting a job!

  4. Congrats on the job, so pleased you found something in your field.

  5. Congratulations on the new job. Interesting interpretation on the herringbone pattern I like it.

  6. Congratulations on the job! I knew you wouldn't be unemployed for long. :)

  7. OMG, just discovered your blog, and this nail design is awesome. http://blog.imagebylauren.com

  8. I just found this blog a few days ago and spent hours going through all the older entries. You seem like a fun person to know, and I love your art! My nails are a salute to you today :)

  9. I'm looking at your blog for the first time and am enjoying ..
    from today I will follow him. My congratulations you have a lot of creativity.

  10. Congratulations again!!!! You are so fabulously creative, we knew any company worth it's salt would hire you!!!!
    And, your franken is a gorgeous color- looks like the harvest moon did here in the midwest a couple of days ago. In the early evening it was really large and golden (your franken color)- due in part to the sunset and the Autumnal Equinox. Then it got really bright and blue-white as the night progressed. Any name possibilities there, or is this too geeky?
    And Congrats again! (Congrats to the company, too- because they got a terrific employee!!!)

  11. October 12 is a very special day for Brazilians, is a holiday in which we are celebrating two very important dates
    1 - Children's day
    2 - day of Our Lady of Aparecida (mother of Jesus) the patron saint of Brazil

    Our Lady of Aparecida is a saint who was found at the bottom of a river by fishermen
    You could do your nails on that day in tribute to Brazil?
    I thank you so much

    I'm sorry if there is any mistake in writing because I am using the google translator.

    Please search in google images "Nossa Senhora Aparecida" and " santuario de aparecida"(the church)

    thank you, thank you, thank you

  12. Love the colors you chose for this


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