Are You Looking At My Ass?!

Today, the decision to get the hell outta dodge was made, so Chris, the hound and I headed up to Red Rock Canyon and did some walkin' around, some hiking, and some burro-touching. (Doesn't that sound like a extremely perverse sex act?) We went to a few different areas up at Red Rock, we saw a Gray Fox, some chipmunks, a Jackrabbit (I think it was a Jackrabbit- it was a rabbit of some sort- picture is below), and some WILD BURROS!! (which I got to pet!!! <---They LOVE having between their ears scratched!!) The burros were walking across the road, and apparently they're friendly, so people often stop and the burros walk up to you. Two of them let me pet them, but the baby burro just wanted me to give it food, it was NOT about the petting. Fun thing we learned today is that Homer, the hound, is part mountain goat, he was jumping up rocks, etc. that even the two of us HUMANS were having issues with- and mind you, Homer is a 15 pound ham of a dog. (pic later) Today's manicure is in honor of my staycation today. :) The thumb is the rocks that had stripes of different color in the stone, the index finger is the cactus that stuck prickers in my jeans that later attached their barbs in my LEG (oooouuuuucccch!), the middle finger is one of the burros I pet, and the ring and pinky finger are another part of red rock canyon! :)

I used OPI What's With the Cattitude? as a base for all nails. For the red rock themed nails, I used OPI Ginger Bells for the rocks, with American Apparel Palm Springs to highlight, and mixed with Barielle Unraveled Rust to shade. For the cactus, I used Pure Ice Wild Thing as a base for the cactus, and then a mixture of OPI Green-wich Village and OPI Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow in different quantities to make the different shades of green on the cactus, and for the cactus pears, I used Color Club Ms. Socialite, and for the cactus spines, I used OPI Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow. For the burro, I used MAC Rich, Dark, Delicious for the majority of the burro, for the muzzle, ears, and around the eye area, I used American Apparel California Trooper, which I also mixed with MAC Rich, Dark, Delicious to highlight the coat of the burro, and American Apparel Hassid to shade and for the eye and nose. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Some pictures from today...

Gray Fox
The Jackrabbit (?)
Me and the hound.
Me and the hound again- about a mile into a hike and sweaty. :-D
Red Rock
Stripey rocks at Red Rock
Red Rocks
Yup, that's me, and I'm petting a WILD BURRO!!

(Now THAT'S a nice ass.)


  1. You actually did the donkey freehand? That's amazing. Amazing pictures for someone like me from little old England.

  2. i thought you were going to do butts on your nails...i like donkeys too though =)

    but that could be for another nail day...butts on your nails =)

  3. That IS a nice ass. The one you're petting and the one on your finger (which is incredibly well done). Did the rabbit's ears seem almost abnormally big and were they a lot less hairy than a regular bunny's? That's what the jackrabbits I've seen fairly closely looked like. (We saw an unfortunate number of them on the highway north out of Reno early one summer.)

  4. HI,
    I love this nail art like all yours nail art!

  5. looked like a nice staycation, i am thinking i'm needing one as well!

  6. Your art never ceases to amaze me! That burro on your nail is awesome! Love your blog!

  7. WOW! when i first saw the pic i was thinking "are those decals" but then i read your whole post... <3 the freehand amazing doodles here. Your blog soo inspires me to try more freehand work.

  8. I was definitely checking out your ass.

  9. Lol! When I read the name of it I thought it was going to be completely different! I think I like this one the most! ;P

  10. You have the most amazing ass! (A church friend used to crack me up by insisting that the 10th commandment was "Thou shall not covet thy neighbour's ass...") I stumbled upon your blog recently and girl, you are amazingly creative and talented. I hope you're having fun with all your gorgeous nail designs, because I'm thoroughly enjoying them too :D

  11. I love this!! The burro is very well done. :)

  12. I lived in Vegas as a kid and have many fond memories of Red Rock Canyon with my father, who has since passed. I remember petting the wild burros too! I also fell straight onto a cactus when I was about 7 years old and had about 100 needles in my knee. Ouch! I had to be carried down the mountain. Definitely a vivid memory!

    What a lovely little memory you brought back to me today! Thank you - great nails!

  13. I wish I was half the artist you are, amazing work!

  14. Awesome! Ur nails really inspire me!

  15. Wow - that middle finger burro is AMAZING!! I can't believe that you can do that free hand!
    Sounds like you had a nice day - nice scenery pictures!

  16. OMG, this is the coolest blog ever!! Your designs are amazing!!! I so want to do my nails like this - I just mess them up when I try! LOL Nice job! You should create a facebook fan page!!

  17. These are fantastic! I recently was entertaining a similar concept for my nails! Great minds! Following! :D

  18. Red rock? Does that mean you live in Vegas??
    I do so if you do too you are sooooo doing my nails! ;)

  19. Awwwww, the burros are so adorable!!! I wish I could pet them, they look so sweet!! Your nails really captured the look and feel of where you were hiking!

  20. Love the burros! That definitely looks like a jackrabbit. I'm in Phoenix and have a animal rehab friend who specializes in jacks...seen quite a few up close!

  21. love the pic with you and your dog!!

  22. Emmajoy, haha I know when I heard of that part in the bible I cracked up!

    You're amazing at freehand, you really are.

  23. Nice story and wonderful pics.


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