Color Club Nail Stamping Plates Review

 Press Sample

Guns, knives, mustaches, top hats, card suits, Wonderland, and eight balls, just to name a few. What am I talking about? I just might be talking about the new Color Club stamping plates! When I first saw these at Cosmoprof, I was so excited to try them–they have food plates, 80's plates, stone/marble print plates, drip/splatter plates, they even have an entire plate devoted to miss Mary Jane, and one that says 'Keep Calm and Kiss my Ass' with all different sorts of lip prints, which I, of course, purchased. Today's post is to talk about a couple of the plate styles that are available on– the Mustachios plate, the Thug Life plate, and the Wonderland plate.

Hit the jump for more info!

I'll begin this by stating that I'm an amateur stamper, I generally prefer to hand paint stuff, because that is totally in my comfort zone. :)

When I first opened the stamping plates, they seem deeply etched, and have fun images. Many of the plates have very fine line designs, so I was very curious to see how they stamped! They're different from other plates in that they have a gold finish, where all the other plates I've used are silver-toned.

I'll admit, there was a lot of swearing coming from my nail room while using these plates. They are super temperamental when you're attempting to pick up images. To start, I was using a squishy clear stamper that I use for other plates with no problem. Well, with these plates, this stamper was a HUGE. F*&%ING. PROBLEM. Seriously. The damn thing wouldn't pick up ANY images. It was incredibly frustrating, and I nearly threw in the towel. I tested all my tried and true stamping polish brands— MoYou, Zoya, KIKO, American Apparel, even China Glaze 2030, which is usually the easiest stamping polish of life. Nothing worked. NOTHING. Next, I tried using a different scraper, which was actually my Panem Identification card (it even has my photo on it), which was obtained because I'm a huge dork, and adored the Hunger Games movies. Anyway, I digress. This new stamper seemed to help a bit, but not a lot. Eventually, I found my original Konad stamper, at the suggestion of Jenne from Polished Pathology, and that seemed to work the best. I was actually picking up images- WOOHOOOOO!

I will say that the difficulty in using these plates is a bit off-putting, especially at $10 apiece, much like their MoYou London counterparts, which aren't quite as cheeky, but which are pretty much foolproof and easy as hell to use.

Here are some of my sample stamping attempts, and I say attempts, so please don't judge me too harshly. Some of these attempts were after an hour + of swearing and wiping:


Thug Life (Fun fact, I always wanted to get the email address; I found it hilarious):


All in all, once I figured it out a bit, they weren't the worst, but they're definitely a struggle, and for some of the more 'normal' plates, I don't really think they'd be worth it, but for the more fun plates with some of the more scandalous content, they just might be! :)

What do you think? Are any of the new Color Club stamping plates on your list? has a huge selection of them for $10 apiece as well as tons of other brands of polish and plates!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for review by the aforementioned distributor. See the legal page disclosure for more information


  1. It's always good to know how the stamping of these plates works, esp as they all look lovely.
    Vicky xx

  2. Thanks so much for the chuckle and saving me some money due to your honest review of these plates! It's never a good day when I have to bust out my ancient Konad firm stamper. And the only reason it ever happens is because the plates are poor quality (I'm looking at you Bundle Monster!!). It does surprise me some at this price point! They should have done more testing with stampers from this decade, LOL.

    1. It's crazy, because some of the images seem pretty deeply etched, so it seems like they would be amazing. I was super bummed. Im going to soldier on with the plates I purchased, and hope for better results, because I think they're super fun plates, but man. Glad I gave you a giggle! :)

  3. The mustaches are cute!! Man I hope I can figure out something that works.

    1. There are several cute plates. I haven't tried the ones I bought personally though, I hope they perform better!

  4. I especially like the Wonderland, Butterfly and Basic Plate. But till I read a first positive review (or better several) I'm sure as hell not going to give these a try. Incredible how such high priced plates produce such a poor quality and everything but a clean image.


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