A Nightmare on My Street

Today's nails are simple, but they are because I'm going to see Nightmare on Elm Street tonight... YES! (at a drive-in, no less- awesome!!) Should be a good time- I love the drive-in, I love scary movies, and I love movie popcorn. lol I also think that I love this red polish color... it shows a VNL with 2 coats, but the color is pretty much the perfect vixen red. :) I did today's nails to look like the sweater that Freddy Krueger wears in the movies. :-D

I used China Glaze High Maintenance as a base, with American Apparel Hunter for the stripes.

Tell 'em Freddy sent ya!


  1. sweet!
    also,i just saw robbin-hood and it was pretty great!

  2. The Nightmare On Elm Street movies are righteous. Really scary, and pretty inventive. I love stuff where the imagination comes into play.

    Speaking of which, I just watched "My Neighbor Totoro," an animated movie by Hayao Miyasaki- it was wonderful. Can't recommend it enough. But I love all of his stuff. Just fantastic. His "Spirited Away" is one of my favorite movies, ever.

    Have a bunch of fun, and your nails really do look like Freddy Krueger's sweater... hope nobody has nightmares about them! ;-P

  3. like!
    i have a give away on my blog

  4. Even Freddy Krueger isn't as creepy as IMBEDDED SPAM!!!

  5. sorry about all the spam guys, not sure how to stop it :(

  6. Ms. Daily Nail! You don't have to apologize...it's the damn spammers (dammers? ;-D) who should apologize- to you, in a big way!!! You are fabulous, they are not. So sorry that they clog up your site. Freddy Krueger should get them in their spam-soaked (eewwwww!) dreams.

  7. What a beautiful nightmare - I love those!

  8. Hi, I'm from Brazil and there is a soccer time here named FLAMENGO. Red and black are their colors ! Your nails are like their t-shirt =D

  9. I liked how you did your nails you should be an artist or nail salon person loved the freddy kruiger design,


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