Hoover DAMN!

So today when I set out to do my nails for the blog, I really wanted to do something totally unique and awesome, especially since I haven't been posting as much lately due to lack of time. I decided to paint one of Las Vegas's finest landmarks- the Hoover Dam! It may not sound thrilling, but the structure and it's artistic shapes, lines and design really spoke to me. I drove out there, because really, does a picture really show it all? Not even close. I wanted to get every detail, from the immense concrete wall barricading the billions of gallons of electricity producing water, to the wires, the steel, the rushing water... I think this design is one of my favorites, I spent a ton of time getting it precisely how I saw it with my own two eyes...

...too bad it was dark out.

;) Happy April Fool's Day!!




  1. hahaha, too funny. you really "captured" it, didn't you :)

  2. Haha, that's clever! :) Happy April Fool's Day!

  3. Oh man, favorite joke all day! :D

  4. What, no stars?? This is hysterical!!!

  5. Wow you're truly awesome It's hard to believe you do it your own hahaha. Anyways I just checked out your blog and it would be suuuper nice if you check out mine and maybe we can follow each other, I Already follow you:


    waiting for you!!!

  6. NAUGHTY NAUGHTY!!!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You got me, I kept squinting and saying to myself "I can't see it!"


  7. LOL! finally a design i can actually emulate :)

  8. What color is that? I really love it!

  9. LOL That was great! I kept looking closer and closer at the computer thinking something was wrong with my screen! Hilarious.

  10. I like the color so dark,,,cute..

  11. wow you are really great come and take a look at my blog I just started!and leave a comment here..
    This is the website:
    (it is the Dutch translation so different here)

  12. Lol! I was looking at the picture like "Wait wha...?" Then I saw the April Fools. You are too funny!


Go on, comment... you know you want to. ;-P