Shut Yer Pie-HOLE!

Wow! It's finally here, March 14th! It's PIE day! I love pies, my favorite is definitely pumpkin pie, but lemon meringue is a very close second. I like making pies too. One time I was in a rush while making a lemon meringue pie, after I finished cooking the lemon curd, I poured it into the cooked pie crust. Then, forgetting that I had just pulled the crust out of a 400° oven, I grabbed it with bare hands to level out the filling. Needless to say, it hurt. :)  Anyway. To celebrate PIE day I dec....What?  It's PI day?!  Well, I guess that makes sense, 3.14 and all. Wait til 3/14/15, then it'll REALLY be Pi! 

Well, to celebrate Pi day, I painted PIE nails! WOO!

I used: 

Thumb: Blueberry pie 

Essie Bags to Riches as a base, shaded with a dash of H&M Rust, and a pinch of Barielle Coco Bar. For the pie filling I used Zoya Anja. I topped it off with Essie Matte About You, and used Seche Vite top coat to make the filling part shiny like real blueberry filling.

Index: Dutch Apple pie

Color Club Earthy Angel as a base, with American Apparel California Trooper, Essie Bags to Riches, H&M Rust, and Barielle Coco Bar sponged over it to make the crumb topping. Topped it off with a sponged on coat of Essie Matte About You.

Middle: Cherry pie

American Apparel Port as a base, with American Apparel California Trooper to make the lattice, and Essie Bags to Riches, H&M Rust, and Barielle Coco Bar to shade. Topped it off with a sponged on coat of Essie Matte About You, and Seche Vite top coat to make the pie filling shiny. 

Ring: Pumpkin pie

H&M Rust as a base, with Barielle Coco Bar and MAC Rich Dark Delicious sponged VERY lightly over it to make the speckles of the spices in the pie. I used white acrylic for the whipped cream, with a mixture of Lotus Herbals Pure White, ALDO Sea You in Ibiza, and American Apparel Hassid to shade it. Topped with Seche Vite top coat.

Pinky: Lemon Meringue pie

American Apparel Cotton as a base, shaded with MAC Rich Dark Delicious, Color Club Earthy Angel, and Essie Bags to Riches. Topped off with sponged Essie Matte About You.

It was like warm apple pi?


  1. OHMG I get sooo hungry - really great work!!!

  2. Omg this looks amazing. And super tasty. Wonderful!

  3. Amazing! The cherry pie looks really good in particular :)

  4. Wow, this is amazing. You're shading is perfection! I want to be like you when I grow up! :)

  5. Wow that is fabulous and now you've made me hungry!!

  6. Dude, these are incredible! You're so talented x

  7. Holy COW. My jaw dropped at these!!

  8. Love it. Super creative and great execution.

  9. I've never had Pie, none of the ones you made but your nails look awesome!! Is that henna I can see on your index finger?? :)

  10. Very cute!! What a neat idea. Makes me hungry though lol.

  11. Haha that's so perfect for pie day:) Your pies look so yummy!

  12. Amazing! Actually made me hungry!!

  13. These are amazing! You are a great artist. I could really go for some pie!

  14. wow look amazing I like your art. thanks for sharing.
    nail salon newcastle

  15. Well now I have seen it all...amazing! Thank you for making me giggle when I have had a face like thunder all evening!

  16. But! I'll bet you didn't drop it did you? Sign of a good cook.


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